compelled by?

I’m reading Mr. Tripp again.  Thinking on what motivates me to accomplish work in life.  What compels me to act, and to do?

Often, I am motivated to complete tasks by the feeling of satisfaction I know I will have when they are done.


This satisfaction, I think, is good and right.  It is good to take pleasure in the work of our hands, as the book of Ecclesiastes says.  That enjoyment from our work is a gift of God.

But sometimes (like today and many other days) I am not motivated by that force.  I remember that the chores are never-ending, and that the children require so much attention that I have to fight to get the chores done.  And I can’t keep anything in order anyway, so it doesn’t really seem to matter if I try or not.

not clean.

I guess this isn’t the best mindset.

It’s times like these that I need a better focus.  A bigger lens, to see beyond the boring chores that seem so pointless.  A reminder that I am not defined by my vocation, and my life isn’t valued based on how many pairs of tiny pants and socks I fold today.

Mr. Tripp reminded me from Scripture:

“For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that One died for all, and therefore all died.  And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again.”  (2 Corinthians 5:14-15)

Because Jesus loves me, my life has meaning.

Because He died for me, that means my life has been bought with a price – a higher price than any gold, silver, oil or other commodity.  God purchased me with the most precious commodity in the universe: the blood of Jesus.  Jesus poured it all out for me.  He called me and saved me.  And He has declared me His own.  So I should no longer live for myself, but I should be thankful that I can live my life for Christ now.  Whatever works He has for me today are works that He prepared for me beforehand.  (Ephesians 2)

Lord, please help me to find joy in dying to myself and living for you, and to have joy in knowing that when I take care of my family and home, I am serving you.  You said that when we serve the weak, we are serving you.  My children are weak.  They are small and helpless and can’t even make a meal for themselves.  Abby would crawl around in a poopy diaper all day if I wasn’t here to serve her.  Asher would probably eat soap and cookies and rub lotion all over the walls.  Please help me love to do ALL the things that caring for a family entails, and not to wish I was somewhere else.  Please change my heart, Lord.

I am so glad God hears all our prayers.  And I am so glad he is eager to help us.

“The LORD is on my side as my helper.” (Psalm 118:7)

About Sara

I am a 30-something momma of two with a history of recurrent pregnancy loss. After receiving no answers from "regular" fertility specialists, I discovered that there is a pioneering field of fertility testing and treatment called Reproductive Immunology. The American College of OB-GYN's still does not recognize this field, but I felt strongly that women needed to know there might still be answers for them. I started a website to inform and encourage others to be their own advocates.
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2 Responses to compelled by?

  1. Sheila Valentin says:

    Dearest Sara,

    First, I’m praising the Lord for this marvelous work He has begun with your writing. I told you before this is a gift you have been given. I’m so excited to see how God is answering prayer, in using your huge heart and wisdom in this blog. May God be Glorified! And may many mothers find peace, encouragement and hope in this place you have made with your heart! Thank you, Sara, for serving fellow mommies in this way!

    Second, this first entry about the house, our chores, and caring for the children has helped me so much this morning! WOW, has it! I was being faced with 6 children home from school today…some recovering from the stomach flu and some still suffering. I found myself carrying around a discontent and un-serving heart as I knew there was “throw-up” to clean up from 3 different rooms/rugs, blankets, a brand-new baseball glove & baseball bat, bedding, and clothes (just to name a few). I found that it was more than alright with me to make the toast and tea, and hold the little ones…but having to clean the germ-infested toilets and the above mentioned tasks, was not alright with me. I actually found myself sitting at the kitchen table, dreaming, and then drawing, a beautiful scene of a beach house on the shores of a far-away place…earning to be somewhere else…anywhere else but here. AND then, I read your blog.

    Your heart felt thoughts and God’s precious Word truly changed my heart and mind, and I am NOW ready to face the “puke” with a much better attitude. I believe I now have the right perspective…I have a godly perspective. I am focused on Christ and desirous of glorifying Him with the precious gift He has given me of raising children!
    Thank you so much!

    Sincerely in Love,

    Thank you, Lord Jesus, for all You have done for me, and thank You for being by my side as I use my hands for Your Glory. Thank you for being my Helper, My Comforter, and My God.

  2. Sara B. says:

    You are so kind, friend. Thank you so much. You are an encouragement and an inspiration to me! I will be praying for your day. If I could draw, I would probably draw myself some island scenes as well on hard days! I am so glad God has helped you … He is so kind and gracious to us! Much love to you!

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